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8 Wonderful Besan Face Pack Recipes for All Skin Types

Greetings, esteemed readers! Are you tired of scrolling through an overwhelming number of skincare products? Well, we’ve got a natural solution that has been cherished for generations – besan face packs! Whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, or somewhere in between, besan (gram flour) can work wonders. In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the world of besan face packs and unveil eight incredible recipes that cater to all skin types. Get ready to discover the beauty secrets hidden in your kitchen!

The Magic of Besan for Your Skin

Besan, also known as chickpea flour or gram flour, isn’t just a pantry staple. It’s a skincare powerhouse. Rich in nutrients and gentle exfoliating properties, besan can leave your skin feeling soft, radiant, and rejuvenated. It’s like a spa day, minus the hefty price tag!

Let’s explore How Besan Face Pack Benefits Your Skin

1). Natural Exfoliation

Besan’s slightly gritty texture makes it a fantastic exfoliant. It helps remove dead skin cells, revealing the fresh, healthy skin underneath.

2). Oil Control

For those battling oily skin, besan is your knight in shining armor. It absorbs excess oil and reduces the appearance of shine, giving your face a matte finish.

3). Gentle Cleansing

Besan’s mild cleansing action helps remove dirt, grime, and impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils.

4). Tackling Tan

Sun-kissed a bit too much? Besan can help lighten tan lines and bring back your natural complexion.

5). Soothing Sensitivity

Even sensitive skin can benefit from besan. Its soothing properties can calm irritations and redness.

1. Besan and Yogurt Glow Pack

Suitable for: Dry and combination skin

Benefits: Provides a radiant glow, suitable for brightening dull and tired-looking skin.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

1 tablespoon yogurt

A pinch of turmeric

How to Make

In a bowl, mix the besan, yogurt, and a pinch of turmeric until you have a smooth paste.

Apply the pack evenly to your face and neck, avoiding the eye area.

Let it sit for 15 minutes, allowing the ingredients to work their magic.

Rinse off gently with lukewarm water, using circular motions to exfoliate as you remove the pack.

Pat your face dry and admire your radiant, glowing skin!

2. Besan and Honey Hydration Mask

Suitable for: Dry and combination skin

Benefits: Offers deep hydration and moisture, perfect for combating dryness and flakiness.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

1 tablespoon honey

A few drops of milk

How to Make

Mix the besan, honey, and a few drops of milk to create a thick paste.

Apply the mask generously to your face and neck, avoiding the eye area.

Let it work its hydrating magic for about 20 minutes.

Gently rinse off with cool water, enjoying the softness and hydration your skin now boasts.

3. Besan and Tomato Tan Removal

Suitable for: All skin types (best for tanned areas)

Benefits: Helps in reducing tan lines and uneven pigmentation, restoring your natural complexion.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

2 tablespoons ripe tomato pulp

A dash of lemon juice

How to Make

Mix the besan, ripe tomato pulp, and a dash of lemon juice to create a paste.

Apply the mixture to areas with tan lines and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Rinse off with water, and marvel at the gradual fading of those unwanted tan lines.

4. Besan and Turmeric Acne Buster

Suitable for: Oily and acne-prone skin

Benefits: Contains antibacterial properties and helps in controlling excess oil while addressing acne.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

A pinch of turmeric

Rose water (as needed)

How to Make

Combine the besan and turmeric in a bowl.

Add rose water gradually to create a paste that’s easy to apply.

Spread the mixture evenly on your face, concentrating on acne-prone areas.

Allow the pack to dry for about 15-20 minutes.

Gently massage your face with wet fingertips to exfoliate while removing the pack.

Rinse off and revel in the calming effect it has on your skin.

5. Besan and Cucumber Soothing Pack

Suitable for: Sensitive and irritated skin

Benefits: Soothes inflammation, redness, and irritation with the cooling properties of cucumber.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

Fresh cucumber juice (as needed)

How to Make

Mix the besan and enough fresh cucumber juice to form a smooth paste.

Apply the mixture evenly on your face and neck.

Leave it on for 15 minutes, enjoying the cooling sensation.

Rinse off with water, and feel the irritation melt away.

6. Besan and Papaya Exfoliating Mask:

Suitable for: All skin types

Benefits: Gently exfoliates, removing dead skin cells and promoting a smoother complexion.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

2 tablespoons mashed ripe papaya

How to Make

Combine the besan and mashed papaya to create an exfoliating blend.

Gently scrub your face in circular motions with this mixture for a few minutes.

Let it sit for an additional 5 minutes before rinsing off with water.

Pat your face dry and appreciate the smoother, refreshed feel.

7. Besan and Aloe Vera Cleansing Pack:

Suitable for: All skin types

Benefits: Provides gentle cleansing and removes impurities without stripping natural oils.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

How to Make

Mix the besan and aloe vera gel to create a cleansing paste.

Massage the mixture onto your face using gentle circular motions.

Rinse off thoroughly with water, revealing clean and refreshed skin.

8. Besan and Milk Fairness Pack:

Suitable for: All skin types

Benefits: Helps in brightening the complexion over time, promoting an even skin tone.


2 tablespoons besan (gram flour)

1 tablespoon milk

A pinch of saffron

How to Make

Mix the besan, milk, and a pinch of saffron to form a smooth paste.

Apply the pack to your face and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

Rinse off with water, unveiling a brighter and more even complexion.


While these suggestions provide a general guideline for skin types, individual reactions can vary. Always perform a patch test before applying a new product to your face and consult a dermatologist if you have specific skin concerns. With the right besan face pack, you’ll be well on your way to healthy and glowing skin!

Using Besan Face Packs for Best Results

Getting the most out of your besan face packs requires a few tips:

1). Cleanse your face before applying any pack.

2). Test a small patch of the pack on your arm before applying it to your face to check for any allergic reactions.

3). Be consistent – use your chosen pack once or twice a week for visible results.

4). Moisturize after rinsing off the pack to lock in the goodness.

Benefits of Using Besan Face Packs

By incorporating besan face packs into your skincare routine, you’re embracing natural remedies that:

1). Are budget-friendly and eco-conscious.

2). Address various skin concerns, catering to all skin types.

3). Deliver results without harmful chemicals.

4). Bring a touch of self-care and pampering to your routine.


There you have it – a treasure trove of besan face pack recipes for every skin type! With the goodness of besan, your skin can truly shine. These recipes not only cater to your skin’s unique needs but also provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Say goodbye to complicated skincare routines and hello to the simplicity of besan. It’s time to let your skin revel in the natural beauty secrets that have stood the test of time. Happy pampering!

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